Delivering Quality Healthcare

As one of only a few elected medical professionals in the New Mexico legislature, I am dedicated to ensuring all New Mexicans have access to quality, affordable healthcare.

As the only elected, practicing medical professional in the New Mexico State House, healthcare is my top priority. And it is my firm belief that all New Mexicans, regardless of income or zip code, deserve quality, affordable healthcare.

When my son was diagnosed with autism almost 30 years ago, we discovered that many of the healthcare services he needed were not available to us. The services we did have access to were incredibly expensive and not covered by our insurance provider.

Since then, I have dedicated myself to making sure all New Mexicans have the care they need. During the 2021 Session, we made strides towards achieving a more equitable and fair healthcare system in New Mexico. In 2018 worked with colleagues across the aisle to pass a bill that required insurance companies to provide the medications and treatments that doctors’ and patients’ need. Insurance companies are now required to provide the most effective treatment options, not just whatever is least expensive for them.

Healthcare decisions should be in the hands of experts and patients, not insurance companies. 

I have also worked to expand access to women's healthcare in the state. I have consistently supported funding for crucial women's health services including domestic violence services, mammograms, and breast cancer screenings. As a mother, breast cancer survivor, and advocate, I know how incredibly important these services are for women and families in New Mexico. 

But there is more work that needs to be done.

One of the main problems with healthcare in New Mexico is the shortage of care providers – especially in certain parts of the state. We must use creative ways to address those shortages and find new strategies to provide care. When our healthcare systems aren’t functioning properly, often the ones hurt most are our children. 

As a pediatric physical therapist, I have seen this first hand.  If children are sick and can’t get care, they miss school and fall behind. We cannot allow that to happen. New Mexico’s healthcare system must be able to help children of all income levels get the healthcare they need so they can grow up happy, healthy, and well-educated.

I will continue my work in the state legislature to make quality healthcare available to all New Mexicans.


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