In Albuquerque and across New Mexico, we have high tech job opportunities and resources for economic growth. I believe our people will succeed with the right educational opportunities. I have dedicated my entire political career to early childhood education and will continue to do so as your representative.

I believe we are making progress, and the data shows it. As recently reported in the Journal, Kids Count Data Book shows that last year New Mexico increased its rate of children attending preschool.
But we have to continue to invest in New Mexico’s greatest resource: our children. Every legislative session, I take this message to the Roundhouse and find creative new ways to fund education transformation and early childhood development.

Of course, the fastest way to create more educational opportunities is to better support the women and men who teach our youth. The Journal recently reported, “Albuquerque Public Schools has the highest overall need in the state, with 380 teachers and 90 educational assistant job openings for a student body of over 85,000.”

I introduced a bill that would create a New Mexico public educator appreciation day at the House of Representatives. As your representative, I want to ensure that Santa Fe understands the important work of teachers in New Mexico and gives them the respect and support they deserve. With more funding and more support for our teachers and schools, New Mexico can improve our education system and help kids succeed.

Improving Our Opportunities for Education


Improving our economy